Knittacia Returns!
I am sorry that I have not updated my blog this last month. It is because I have had a lot on my mind and not felt like writing. My health is still giving me a hard time, but now at least I have received some test results. There is still some more testing going on, but it looks like I have the celiac disease. That means I have to give up eating everything with gluten. And that is a lot harder then I thought, 'cause there is a lot of things that contains gluten that I would not suspect. I bought myself two books about cooking without gluten. So far I have only tried baking one bread. That was not a success, but I will probably figure it out after some practicing.

okay - back to knitting. During the last month I have done some knitting and some shopping. With some Svale from Dale that I had in my stash I crocheted this summer-top. The pattern is from Knit.1, but I did some changes. I like it a lot, but I had some difficulties figuring out the pattern.

When my top was finished I found a 1 year old project in my stash. It is a jacket in Summer Tweed. It is boring and I don't like the smell of the yarn but I think the jacket will look good when finished.

New books and magazines: Knitter's, Simply Knitting, Vogue Knitting, Knitsimple, Knit.1, Spin-Off and two spinning-books.

A few days ago I could no longer stop myself, so I just had to buy some yarn. The new Bamboo from Idena was very tempting. It is 70% bamboo and 30% cotton and is knit up on 5 mm needles. I bought 4 skeins in different colors so that I could knit a slipover for my son.
And this is a very fast project. And I have made the pattern myself. I think it will look great on him.

And there will be more yarn added to my stash soon, 'cause tomorrow I am flying to Stockholm.
I will give an update on Friday.
Så koselig å se at du er i gang med bloggingen igjen.
Ønsker deg lykke til med overgang til den glutenfrie maten. Jeg har skjønt på folk jeg kjenner at det er lettere sagt enn gjort.
Godt å se deg igjen! Ikke noe kjekt med glutenallergi, men godt de finner ut hva som feiler deg! Ikke greit å gå rundt med udiagnostiserte vondter! Tror jeg har noe glutentips i allergibøkene mine. Kommer tilbake til deg på mail angående det. Anbefaler deg å ta en titt på sidene til Norges Astma- og allergisider. Der finner du tips samt linker til andre sider som omhandler temaet. Lykke til med kostomlegging!!!
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