My first Kool-aid yarn!

Being my first attempt, I am very happy with the result. To bad I only made this one in the color-mix. It was a test, to see how it would turn out coloring pale grey alpaca. It was a nice way to not getting very bright colors.
When I did the mixing and painted the yarn I was quite worried, 'cause it looked rather awful!
It was not before it started to dry that I saw that it turned out very nice! I was so happy with the colors that I started making some more.

But I wasn't paying enough attention the first time, so the next too skeins where not colored the same way. But I used the same colors. The difference is that I have more grape and longer color-sections. But it still might look nice when knitted!

Here I am painting the second skein of grey alpaca. You can see some of the grey color that is not yet painted. Goodbye to the very boring color!

tjihi! så gøy å se at cubus-posene kan bli brukt til så mangt:) Jobber der, og gubben blir gal av alle posene jeg drar med hjem....
Men flotte farger på garnet ditt:)
I love your painted yarn! The colours are *so* beautiful! Amazing how the colours actually cover that gray.
Det ble kjempeflott farge på garnet!! Akkurat sånn som jeg selv liker det, men jeg har ikke turt å prøve KoolAid'en min enda, he he.... Hva slags garn brukte du?
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