The summer tweed nightmare...and pink elephants
I don't know what to do with this summer tweed project. It is supposed to be a jacket, but it just don't think it will look nice on me. I sew side and shoulder seams on the back and left front and tried it on. The shape doesn't look to good. Maybe it will be better with all the pieces in place, but I don't know if I will go on with this project. It is also boring to knit and the yarn have an awful smell!

yesterday, me and my daughter went shopping for buttons. She saw these elephant-buttons, and then I just had to buy them. So now the very pink top have some very pink elephant-buttons.

I have some yarn with funny smell, but also kids who like beeing dirty and smelly - so finally I can't smell anything!
BTW, this jacket looks great!
Søte joosa knapper! :)
God helg!
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