New pattern-books and mags!

I should have enough patterns to knit from now. The Classic Winter is the last one I received. This is patterns for the new Rowan RY Soft Tweed yarn. I bought two skeins that I am now making a scarf out of. The yarn is very soft and feels easy to knit with, but I don't know if I like it. So when doing any of the other designs I might end up using a substitute yarn.
Other patterns I have recieved lately is Vogue knitting and Simply knitting. I didn't really go crazy when reading them, but there are some nice designs. What I really is not so happy about is that I still am waiting for the Rowan Magazine # 38....Being a Rowan Member haven't really been a good thing! I could have bought it on the internet a long time ago. Rowan did promise me to send a new copy for 10 days ago so if it is not in my mail tomorrow I will contact them again. This is my first Rowan magazine and I have been waiting eagerly for a very long time now!
I have also bought one of the new Design-books from Garnstudio. It is in my office at work together with a single skein of 'Eskimo'-yarn and a crochet-needle :-)
Hei igjen! Nå har jeg fått Rowan #38. Kom i posten i går og var sendt avgårde den 26/8 ... så det gikk raskt etter at jeg tok kontakt.
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