My dear blog,
I am sorry that I haven't paid much attention this last month. But I sort of have a good reason for it. It has been rather hard finding time and energy when both myself and the kids have been seek. We all had the winter stomach decease once, and then the kids had a second time two weeks later. That is not a good combination with me already being seek. And I have been very tired at the end of the day going to bed at 8-9 pm.
I hope for some change soon!
okay, enough about being seek.

I have done very little knitting lately. But I have a little to show. First, the advent calendar, that I wasn't able to finish in time. Not much left - just the boring sewing-up part. The kids are luckily to small to know what advent calendar is! It will be ready for next year.

At December I went to a "Julebord". That is a Norwegian tradition when the people at work have a Christmas dinner-party. I was wearing a very nice strapless dress with this knitted shrug that I made the same day (Yes, I started knitting it the very same morning...). It is knitted with the beautiful Artfibers Kyoto.

And now about my spinning, or rather - about me trying to learn how to spin my own yarn. I bought some books at Amazon and a spinning-kit at eBay and now I am ready to start. It is only a few days left before Christmas eve and I still have a lot of shopping left, so I am afraid there won't be much time for this before next week.
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