Change in diagnosis!
I do not know what to say about the Norwegian health-care. We live in this very wealthy Nation, but still - people are waiting and waiting and waiting for help to find out why they are having pain and discomfort. And if they do not find the cause of the pain, some doctors have a tendency to think that it all comes from our head and that we are just lazy people! And too often people also get a wrong diagnosis. I hope for some changes soon!
In my case it has been a lot of waiting and change in what it is and what I should do. For more than two months now I have been on a Gluten Free diet because they suspected me of having Celiac Dicease, but for more than a month ago they found that I had the Helicobacter pylori. I was supposed to have received a letter about this and a prescription for an antibiotic treatment. When I went to my family doctor two months ago she had received some papers from the hospital that sad that I should NOT go on a diet. For that reason I called the hospital, and that was when I found out about the Helicobacter pylori. Then for two weeks I have been waiting for the specialist doctor to return two work. It has been two very long and painful weeks, but know I finely have some progress. I do not need to go on a Gluten Free diet, and I will probably be in a lot better shape in a few weeks. To bad they have used 8 month's to figure it out, and that I for that reason do not have a job-position after the holidays. But, at least I probably will be perfectly healthy and that is what really counts right now!

When finished I did not have much yarn left. When I was getting closer to the end I was for a while worried that I would not have enough yarn, but luckily I did.

Nå ble jeg litt overgitt her, for et rot av legene, men godt at det er noe som kan gjøres noe med. Men likevel da......
Toppen ble lekker, og fargen er nydelig. Ha ei fin helg.
Vi får håpe det var den siste diagnosen. Lykke til!
Himmel og hav for et rot!!!! Det var godt det gikk den veien, Helicobacter kan en jo gjøre noe med, heldigvis. Det hadde vært verre om det gikk andre veien, men likevel, for et rot!
Heia Norge.
Du er nyyyydelig i grønt!
Great top! Great coloure! Good luck with health care system!
Flott topp du har laget, og fargen var nydelig! Lykke til !
Så synd at dette tok sånn tid; likevel har du vært dyktig!!!! Masse fint du har laga; toppen var enda finere på deg, og den blomsterveska di er helt lekker :-)
Lekker topp!
Forferdelig med det diagnose-tullet. Håper det er slutt på rotet nå. God bedring!
Ja, det er dessverre sånn, at man må være frisk for å være syk :(
Keep up the good work. thnx!
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