So what can I my plums!

...when the doctors don't agree with each other or change their mind several times?
And why can't they just give me an answer to my questions?
My one week at the hospital was a very strange experience. I have been diagnosed back and forth. The first doctor told me that there had been some bad judgment from my doctor when giving me treatment that I should not have had, and that I after all would end up with the Celiac disease.
The next doctor asked me all the questions that I have answered a hundred times, without giving me much answer. But he was also puzzled by the fact that I had been given antibiotics. Then the chief doctor came together with this doctor and told me that "You give us quite some problems". And this was of course related to the mess that my previous specialist doctor had caused. The problem was that my first Celiac-test was not giving a 100% result for the disease. Then I shouldn't have started a gluten free diet, like I did. Then when they took a new test in august I got a "better" result, but that could be because I had been on the diet and had not been eating food with gluten for a long enough period of time. The chief doctor told me that I would have to eat normal food for a while longer and then take a new test.
But at the same time they did a lot of blood-tests and sent me to a specialist in Neurology because I have had so much problems with being dizzy all the time. And this doctor put me up for a MR.
Then came Saturday and Sunday, and nothing happens then. On Monday there came a new doctor. He was telling me that he would have to take a closer look at my case and get back to me. For some reason he found out that I "probably did not have Celiac disease". I was diagnosed with "Irritable bowel syndrome", and told that they would put me up for a new evaluation in one year. So then I could go home....
The MR of my head was done on Friday, so I have not had any result from it, but I don't think they will find anything wrong.
So what is my plans now....Oh well, I will just have to figure this out on my own I guess. I have started taking vitamin, mineral, herb and fiber powder. It is supposed to do me good. Then I am starting an exercise-program. Then time will show....
Today I will try to start all over again - I will try to make some plans for myself and how I can get myself in shape again. I took a closer look at our plum tree and found two big plums that was ready for harvesting. And they turned out to be very tasty :-)

Du har sandelig fått prøve deg!! Høres ut som du mestrer bra og har planer for å bygge deg opp igjen. Dette tar tid!Skal du begynne å trene på Sverresborg fysikalske? Jeg har trent der, og trenger å ta opp den tråden igjen.Så håper jeg vi møtes snart på strikketreff; jeg er hjemme om dagene!! Klem
Dette høres virkelig kjedelig ut. IBS virker som det er den diagnosen de stiller når de ikke kommer på noe bedre. Lykke til videre, håper du blir bedre snart.
Ja, man vet inte om man ska skratta eller gråta... men jag tycker jag har hört något liknande innan, hm. Men, inom andra områden, alla vet allt, men ingen vet något och så står man där efteråt och får ta tag i allt själv... hm, undrar om de där som hade så mycket idéer ens har koll på när du åkte hem eller inte, hahaha... Ja, tyvärr måste jag skratta, ;). Och tala inte om läkare och att prata med varandra, hm... ALLA vet och kan allt bäst själva och pratar INTE med varandra, nopp... De skulle ju kunna lära sig något av varandra, ojojoj... hemska tanke... När de själva vet att de har rätt, alltid! och alla andra har fel, ständigt! hrm...
Hm, de där plommonen... är de lite större än de små, :p. De påminner mig nämligen om ett träd vi har här, och de plommonen har vi noll koll på vad det heter... Underbara plommon som passar perfekt i handen, ;). Ja, vi har liknande också, men de är mycket mindre... Hur ser det ut på storleksfronten, ;).
Må så gott... värmländska på bloggläsningstur... kramis, ngn som inte gillar läkare, bläää...
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Glad to read your back home again. Hospitals are not a very nice place to stay long. And I find it very smart to make your own plan. It sounds very frustrating that nobody knows what it is.. Head up high (my mother alway say)
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