Late Harvest sock yarn and 4lb Jelly Belly!
I have received my first yarn from Mama-E's Sock-club. The color is called Late Harvest and is lovely.

I have gone crazy for shore....I bought a can of Jelly Belly...1.8 kg...what was I thinking :-)

and on the Dale sweater....I am looking forward to get passed the Tractor pattern. I have almost finished the tires on Gråtass.

Do they have Costco in Norway now? Kirkland products in the US come from Costco. I was just wondering if they have gone international.
I am so sorry you do not have a diagnosis still. Do you think your dizziness is related to going on or off the celiac diet? I tried to go wheat-free but kept getting dizzy after 2 days.
Do you know my kids could eat all those Jellys within a day!
Love hew yarn! And socks are progressing nicelly - great you are kntting 2 at the time! That way no SSS!
What beautiful yarn you got. I love the pattern for the tractor hooded sweater too, how cute is that.
Det garnet var utrolig flott!! Genseren blir nok greiere å strikke når traktordelen er ferdig. Takk for sist forresten, kjempekoselig!
How's the IBD/Celiac disease? Does the diet help?
nice yarn! and love the sock color!
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