Still knitting, but not very fast!
Before going to the hospital I received a gift from my secret pal number 2! It came all the way from Denmark, and I really love the sock yarn. The colors are in different shades of blue, white and blue-green. It is always nice with chocolate, and the tea saved us yesterday when we had visitors. We did not find any tea, but then I remembered my gift :-)

Staying at the hospital was boring, but I was very tired so I did not do much knitting. But on Friday I finished the Opal socks for the big feet in the house. He was very happy with them!

I have started on Icosa Welt Ball, but I am not sure that colors turned out as nice as I was hoping!

This is how much I have knitted on the Dale sweater for my son!

When I had finished one pair of socks, I felt the need for a new pair right away. So now I am knitting both socks at the same time on one circular needle.
Yarn: Cherry Tree hill Supersock
Pattern: Baudelaire from Knitty.
Needles: Addi bamboo 2.5 mm

Fine sokker til hårete legger! ;o)
Ser spennende ut det andre du har begynt på også.
Sykehusoppholdet hørtes ikke bare festlig ut, det må være slitsomt å ikke få noe skikkelig svar på hva som feiler deg.
hope your feeling better the socks look great , nice package and I just love that red colorway ;o) Beautiful!
Oh, you are so productive! Impressive!
Wow, you started the Baud. socks, I don't dare.... And what's that sweater for your son, do you have a picture?
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