So I have been planning on doing some dyeing with Jacquard dyes since November, but there just haven't been time for it. It sure takes some time getting all set up for the first time. If I am doing this a lot, I will set up a more permanent room for it. You will need a large table of some kind (my workspace in the kitchen is 1,8 meters long and 0,9 meters deep). This you will have to cover up with plastic unless you want to dye your table as well. Mixing the dyes involves mask and gloves and using cups, and teaspoons and warm water. You also need vinegar. I used only two colors this first time. Yellow and blue. To get the green I mixed equal parts of the first two solutions. I used a sponge to paint with. One for each color. I left some white between the colors thinking it would look nice, but it sort of disappeared when steamed. So if I want the white between I have to leave longer unpainted stripes. This is the first time, so I am supposed to learn from the experience.

So then I rolled the painted wool up and steamed it in a pot with a rack at the bottom. Left it there for about 45 min.

Then I soaked the wool in hot water with some liquid soap. I sure was happy to see these nice colors, because it sure doesn't look nice when you paint the wool.

Following some instructions on line I put the wool through a spin cycle in my washing machine.
It came out looking like it had gotten a perm....and I was worried that I had felted the wool.
This wool is blue faced leicester (BFL) and from what I read this is common for this wool - curling up.

Finished drying and rolled up! I am looking forward to spinning this!

And I have done some spinning at the beginning of the new year, too. Here is a collection of some of my handspun! So far I just enjoy looking at it, but I will knit it up eventually.

This is a skein of 1ply Norwegian wool with lanolin. I think I probably need to ply!

I have not done much yarn-shopping lately, but I did order some Harmony Options! I still have not tried them. Soon, very soon, I will!

Knitting progress - not much, but I forgot to tell about my finished Koolhaas in Wollmeise worsted wool. It was finished at least a week before Christmas.

This scarf in Artfibers Kyoto (silk and mohair) is also coming along. It is half way done!
Godt nyttår og takk for besøk! Nydelig det bilde av barna i badekaret.
Og fargene på alle de metrene som løper i stuen din... nydelig!
Namasteveskene kjøpte jeg hos Projo, billigere enn den linken du gav meg. Jeg betalte 1035 tror jeg det var for begge to inkludert frakt.
Ønsker deg en god helg!
Lovely dyeing, look forward to seeing it spun. I've only done a little fibre dyeing but I will do some more in the better weather, it's such a satisfying thing to do.
Also love the knitting needles that are tucked into the green silk & mohair - where do you get them?
Så spennende med fiberfarging, det ser svært lekkert ut uspunnet, så det kommer til å bli fantastisk som garn.
Og kurven med garn ser veldig flott ut, karder/kammer du selv før du spinner? Eller blander du fiberene i selve spinneprosessen?
Blir virkelig spennende å se hvordan garnet blir når du spinner opp den gule og grønne ulla. Takk for sist, forresten. Håndspindelen jeg kjøpte av deg var mye bedre å bruke. Det er jammen moro, altså.
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