So this weekend has been very good, I think. I have to start this post by showing a picture of my son in a crown he made (with a little help). On Saturday afternoon grandma and grandpa came for a visit too. The kids love to have there grandparents around. Grandma thinks this little one is getting more and more charming for each time they see him. And I will have to agree. He has these amazing face-expressions, so I am thinking he could go into comedy when he grows up!

On Saturday I did some more sock-knitting - The Firestarter. And last night I finished the heel-shaping. I am very pleased with how the heel lookes, and it sits very nicely on my feet.

I must admit that I struggled a bit with the cables, and the gusset was going on for a boring long time, when knitting both socks at the same time. The result is awful nice though, so I might do it again.

I have had some more books arriving in my mailbox lately. Creative spinning and Creative weaving has very pretty colorful pictures. Inspiring, but you can't expect to learn so much from these books. I did not expect so either, I have other books for that purpose.
One last none-knitting weekend project to add: Cleaning our house! So what is the big deal about that. Well, I have not been able to do it in a month because of the operation. Our home was a dirty mess. It feels so good having it done, and now I might be able to move a step forward and finding room for all the things that have no place to be. And then next I might be able to organize my knitting stash in a better way.
Sokkene blir kjempefine, du skal få lære meg litt når jeg starter opp.
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