Hello - I'm back! And look how handy my knitting is right now. The day I had my surgery, at hospital in bed I started knitting another
Calorimetry from a skein of self made
handspun yarn I have had in my stash for a while. I went home the next day in the afternoon and then I had finished it. One of the nurses was rather interested, so I gave her the pattern. This one is so perfect for covering up my bandage. And it will be nice when I remove the bandage, too. Covering up the scars and the space with no hair.

A wooden heart button was added. It is one of my favorite buttons. I really like the wooden ones.
My daughter tried it on, too. Here, you can see I have been doing some knitting. That is about the only thing I have done the first week after surgery.

The yarn
Lucca in 100% merino knitted up very nicely, and it is just as soft as kids like it.

I have also started on a
Kidsilk Haze adventure.....For now I have 38 cm of pure heaven...I will say now more for the moment.
Realising I need a lot of things for my head I knitted myself a hat
yesterday. The pattern is from the latest
Knitty -
Foliage. I made it from one of the skeins of yarn from
Handpaintedyarn.com. I knitted on 6 mm and 5.5 mm needles. Next time I will try to make one in worsted weight yarn.

Here is the finished socks for my son to. I have had the first finished sock laying around since June. It was about time I made the second one.

And I have been shopping again. Two days ago, when I had to go to the drugstore I bought 15 skeins of a beautiful purple colored Eskimo. I just felt like making myself a purple jacket. The pattern is in my head. I am trying to make my own design for this yarn.
Haaper du foeler deg bedre! Ha en fin helg!
Wow, lots of lovely projects. I love the Caliometry, and I so want to do the Foliage hats too, they're so pretty!
Så mye lekkert du har strikket i det siste. Det Kidsilk-prosjektet ser veldig interessant ut...
God bedring! :)
Masse masse gode tanker og god bedring til deg, det ser jo ut som om operasjonen gikk veldig bra da!
Det kidsilk-greiene dine.... det ser jo bare aldeles nydelig ut! gleder meg til fortsettelsen.
Å, er du ferdig med operasjonen nå, godt å ha det unnagjort. Calorimetrien ble kjempefin, og hva er det KidSilkHaze-prosjektet, ser spnnende ut. Lilla jakke høres flott ut, skulle du være med på det prosjektet i Tromegn?
Oi, skal si du strikker for tiden. Tolker det som om at operasjonen har vært vellykket! :o) Gleder meg til å se de ferdige prosjektene, og mor og datter var like fine i siste nytt.
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