Cooking without wheat and milk means that I can not eat much of the ready-made food. The good thing about this is that I now make both better tasting and healthier food. Last week I made some chicken nuggets that tasted absolutely wonderful. They tasted even good when cold so I kept eating them later that evening and the next day, too. I use gluten-free corn flakes instead of ordinary bread crumbs.

I also finished the socks last week. The colors are a lot nicer than I can capture in a picture.

The last days I really have felt the fall weather coming sneaking in on us. I think this girl will appreciate the warm socks - here watching television in the morning.

I made another dishcloth for a very long time ago and forgot all about it.
Garterlac Dishcloth by Dave Ottawa
Yarn: Anchor
Needles: Maybe 4 mm - don't really remember

My fabric collection is also growing...I have fallen in love with some fabric lines. Amy Butler, Heather Bailey and Anna Maria
Horner is among my favorites.

Above is some of Amy Butlers fabrics from the Lotus and Belle collection.

This is Heather Baileys first fabric line -
Freshcut. I have some plans for some of the fabrics. And it might end up under someones Christmas tree as well :-)

Here are some more fabrics intended for home decorations.

I have finished this pillow. It was not all that much fun because I had some difficulties with sewing it together when adding the cord edging. So I ended up sewing it together by hand. I will not try to do this again before I figure out how to do this with a sewing machine!

I need something to cover my head after the surgery. So I made the Sunflower Tam from Knitting Nature.

I used the yarn listed in the pattern and had the right gauge, but it got way too big! Maybe I could try felt it.... I don't feel like knitting with this yarn again - it was giving me an allergic reaction.

Last night I started on something I have not done before - stitching. I am even attending a stitching-class in September. It is fun to try something new.
For noen nydelige stoff du har skaffet deg! Holder hardt på kredittkortet mitt! God helg!
Her i huset må vi også lage mat uten melk (og egg) pga minstemanns allergi. Kan by på en del utfordringer av og til, men er så enig med deg i at mat laget fra grunnen av er mye bedre enn ferdigmat!!
Mange flotte stoffer, blir spennende å se hva du tryller frem ;)
Du var nå bra søt i luen da! *fnis*
Masse flott stoff, og mat fra grunnen av er best uansett da.
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