So what is next?
I have not talked so much about it lately - my health issues - I have been rather fed up with it. For more then 1 year ago a doctor at my local Hospital told me I have Celiac disease, so I started on a gluten free diet. But two months later he gave me a rather nasty combination of antibiotics to get rid of the Heliobacter Pylori, because he did not think it was Celiac disease after all. So did my shape get any better after this? Now - it got worse. In August last year I was in such a bad shape that I would rather not think about it. They had done another test for Celiac disease and some other tests, but this time it did not give a positive result for Celiac disease. One doctor told me the test was taken too soon - that I needed to eat food with gluten for a longer time, because I had stopped eating it for a period of time. But after the weekend came another doctor who figured I did not have it and sent me back home. He was suggesting I had Fatigue syndrome.
I started the process with my family doctor finding out if it was this Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. In between this I suddenly got a letter in my mail for another appointment with the "Celiac-specialist" (I am not really convinced that they even know much about this disease). When I came there I was told that I probably did not have Celiac disease, but to be sure they needed to do another intestinal biopsy . So in February I had to do that not-so-pleasent biopsy. When I came back for the appointment to this "Celiac-specialist" the test result was not there yet. But he also did not remember that he had ordered another test, because he did not think it was needed. I was told that I did not have any Celiac disease, but that he would call me. I went to my family doctor this Monday and then I was told that this result is positive and that they now think I DO HAVE Celiac disease. And this is something the "Celiac-specialist" knew in March, but did he call? Of course not! So now my family doctor sad that she would find out what was happening. Today I got a letter telling me I have an appointment with this very same "Celiac-specialist" on August 1. That is it?!? So should I start on gluten free diet or should I just eat as normal and be in bad shape this summer too?
And this is not the only thing. My right ear has been bothering me lately with drainage from it and it has been more aware of that my dizziness might come from this. I had a surgery when I was 7 years old to remove a Cholesteatoma. Not going into the story of is too long, but now I need another surgery. I am not so trilled about surgery inside my head, but I know I have to do it! So this week has been hard... It is nice to finally have some proofs that I'm really not alright and answers on why I'm not alright. But I am also rather upset that they spend several years to figure it out. And along this way, I have not always been treated very nice.

My son had to try to taste it, but was figured it tasted a lot better with the real thing.

ÅHhhhh så irriterende med sånne dumme doktorer. Det er skikkelig trasig når en faller ut av systemene og ikke får noen forklaring og ting ikke henger sammen. Har denne doktoren en sykepleier rundt seg du kan ringe til? Jeg har god erfaring med at sykepleierne rundt mine doktorer ordner opp i det som skulle ha vært gjort ihvertfall. De ringer tilbake og gir de beskjedene jeg trenger.
GOD klem til deg fra meg, stå på!!!
Håper ting order seg. Er ikke gøy med leger som roter...
Kjempespennende bok du har fått!
For eit rot. Håpar du (dei) finner ut kva som er galt så du kan vite kva du skal forholde deg til. Støttar Virtuella i rådet om å prøve å ringe avdelinga du skal inn til.
Sorry about the health problems. I have been through that with my Mom. It is very frustrating. Love the strawberry and pear!
Sorry about the health problems,I do love the strawberry and pear! I also tagged you on my blog for the Seven Random Facts Meme.
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