I had so much problems with the machine that I went to the store where they are selling and fixing sewing machines. And he figured out right away what was wrong. This piece was broken. I do not know what it was called. But it was the reason for everything. So now my
Husqvarna is
okay and I could start sewing again.

So I finished my daughters skirt, and she was very happy.

I guess I will need to practice how to
zag....Not perfect!

I did the waistline a little different from what I first planned. Instead of one wide elastic I made three casings and three elastics. I think it worked out pretty well. And it is comfortable to wear.

While I waited for my sewing machine to be fixed, I did some more shopping. Most of it I got in the mail. Like all the Amy Butler patterns. I really like her things and have a lot of her bags on my mind. Her fabrics are also stunning! At
Panduro I bought buttons for my sons pants, Tilda book and Tilda thin box for sewing storage.

In a quilting store in town I bought fabrics for the strawberries in the Tilda book.

This is two fabrics from Amy Butlers Belle collection.

And this is from her latest collection Lotus.
So what
happened to my knitting?
It is there, but I have not done all that much. I did progress on the yellow Textured tunic from Fitted knits, but I think I will have to rip it because I need to do some
adjustments to make it fit.
Så flott at du fikk symaskinen i orden igjen! Jeg tror aldri jeg har hørt om en Husqvarna som har blitt ødelagt, både mammas og svigermors fra 60-tallet går som bare det fortsatt. :) Ha en god helg!
Så kjekt å følge med på syarbeida dine. Skjørtet vart skikkelig fint. Tenker jenta di er godt fornøgd.
Så flink du er til å sy, likte både skjørtet og buksen.
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