Thank you for all the nice comments in the previous post. It has been some crazy weeks, and I am trying not to tear all my hair off my head when I sort of can not
control my anger . The word "doctors" is kind of giving me the chills these days.
I am trying to figure out what to eat and what to nor eat. It is hard to figure out this no wheat and no gluten way of living. The
pre-made foods seam to have a lot of wheat in it, so now I will have to make almost everything from scratch. That is healthy I guess...but it takes time to figure out of everything.

My knitting in progress! I have now finished the front and have started on the lower back of this Textured tunic.

For a week ago I got this for my kitchen! I already have three Gluten free cooking books in there.

I have done some more sewing. It really is a lot of fun! This time it was my daughters dress for the Norwegian Constitution day. I had my pattern and fabrics ready for along time ago, but because of a lot of happenings lately I did not get started until May 16. That is rather late for a beginner sewer to finish a dress!

At five
o'clock in the morning on May 17, the dress was finished! And I was very pleased with how it turned out. This is the specs:
Farbenmix "Anna" for the dress and
Farbenmix "Hannah" (some
adjustments) for the top.
Fabric: Heather Bailey
Freshcut for Free Spirit

I think these fabrics are so beautiful. The colors and the patterns!

The ribbons on the shoulder straps is from Tilda.

My daughter was very happy with the dress as well, and she wanted to put it on right away.

And the cat was very interested in catching the ribbons at her back!

She was feeling very pretty when she went to town with her Norwegian flag in her hand.

At home with a matching pink
balloon-horse - watching TV. She was tired!

And the dress had done its mission for this time.

My daughter and son is kind of different in so many ways. She looks like this and gets rather quite when tired.

But my son looks more like this! Getting very silly and
giggling. He is
such a
trouble-maker, but boy, he is so darn quite!

Tonight I did a fast sewing project. A small bag for my new cell phone. It was easy except from the button. I struggled a bit, but that was because I did not really read the instructions for how to do it. Pink on the outside and green on the inside.

And inside is my new phone that I bought today. A
Nokia N73 in the color pale pink!

And I really did need a new one. My old
Nokia was falling apart - more than 3 years old! That poor thing has had some rough treatment!
Du er jo kjempeflink til å sy, så nydelig den kjolen ble. Jeg har liggende stoff og mønster på kjole til Johanne, men jeg har ikke motet meg opp enda.
Wow, the dress is really beautiful. I have loads of fabrics and the sewing machine, but not much time. One day...
Beautiful dress!
Nydelig kjole :)
Så nydelig kjolen ble, Knittacia!
Du KAN jo å sy du, - sånt er ikke min sterke side nei. Likte så utrolig godt stoffene du har brukt.
Ha en knallfin helg!
Kjolen er rett og slett flott! Liker godt mönstersammensetningen og det söte forklelignende med knyting bak: nydelig:-D
Utrolig vakker kjole og nydelig stoffkombinasjon. Hehe, det høres ut som meg det, å begynne å sy på 16. Mai eller natt til Julaften ;) Men man blir da alltid ferdig...
Denne var jammen soet!!
For en søt kjole! Morsomt å blande ulike mønster!
Den celikai-spesialisten lever farlig, hadde han vært min lege tror jeg kanskje jeg hadde tatt en tur på kontoret hans med øks. Jeg håper legene dine finner ut noe snart, så du kan få hjelp og bli bra. Jeg krysser fingrene for at det løser seg og at du får en fin sommer!
Your sewing is beautiful. I hope you (or perhaps I should say your doctors) get solved your health issues.
Hope you feel better already. Here is an award for you, for being such a Rockin' Girl Blogger!
Hope everything is alright.
Can anyone recommend the top Endpoint Security tool for a small IT service company like mine? Does anyone use or How do they compare to these guys I found recently: N-able N-central network performance
? What is your best take in cost vs performance among those three? I need a good advice please... Thanks in advance!
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