Is that maybe one of the greatest things? When the doorbell rings and there is yarn delivered to you!

I was pretty excited, but so was Sari! Yammy - some gorgeous purple and turquoise skeins of yarn. 210 and 213 grams in each color! So what is my plan for this yarn? I have no idea...

I went to a "Stitch n' bitch" on Tuesday. The hostess happen to have a new webshop
Mer Garn. And I could not resist buying some skeins of this very lovely Merino yarn Lucca. The purple will be something for my head, neck or hands. The two purple will be a sweater for my girl.

For not to long ago I received another yarn kit from Blue moon fibers. I must admit - this was a pretty strange color combination. And I would most surtenly never have picked this skein myself. The pattern for these socks looks lovely .

When looking at the key chain it is probably a better indication on how the knitted sock will look like. But I am still not convinced!

I was so excited about my new yarns that I forgot all about my knitting. There is another finished object coming up soon. I will take pictures when it is finished. It is a sweater from Fitted knits that I did not feel like finishing in the hot summer weather. But now I am knitting the last arm. Also I have been to my first Stitching-class. I will update on that one, too.
Takk for sist. Så garnet kom så fort, det ser nydelig ut. Det må ikke bli så lenge til neste gang vi treffes.
Guri malla så mye deilig garn. *sikler*
Så mye deiligt garn.
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