I have made my very first Calorimetry from Knitty. And I figured my very much loved Noro-yarn in the amazing color no. 95 was right for this project.It got a bit big... I will do the cast-off all over again - it needs to be tighter.
Never easy to take a picture of yourself. My hands tend to be to short :-)
Fantastiske farger!
Det fine med å ha for korte armer sånn sm du har her er at dobbelthakene vises ikke, hehe. Ihvertfall har jeg et par stykker av sorten!
Kjempefin! Du hadde en fin blogg. Har selv tenkt å strikke meg en slik en. Hilsen asterix
Nydelige farger!
Ha ei flott helg :)
Jeg har også et nøste Noro liggende, så takk for et morsomt og kult tips! :D Ha en god helg!
That colourway is gorgeous, gorgeous!
did you need just one skein or two for this gorgeous calorimetry?
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