Knitting and ravelry!
Finlay I got the invitation I have been waiting for. I am now a member of Ravelry.
I have the same name there as well.

So I finished the hat. I tread Gjestal Silja and 1 tread Du store alpakka Babysilk worked out pretty well. It is a good idea to use solid an multicolored yarn together. In this hat I used a solid dark blue Babysilk that matched the darkest blue in Silja. This gave me a darker color than if I had just used the multi yarn alone. I also could have made it lighter by mixing with the lightest blue. I will try this again for sure.

When I saw the Firestarter pattern, I realized that I had to cast on a pair of socks. I did not think I would like my last Rocking sock club yarn. But now I have changed my mind. The colors looks great. In the free pattern over at Loopy Ewe there is a picture of these colors, too. This time I definitely wanted to knit both socks at the same time. I really do not like to start on sock number two.

I have done some progress on my Kidsilk project this weekend. Am I looking forward to wearing this? You bet I do! I love the colors and the yarn.

So today I did a bit more. This time I grabbed the silk/merino again. It sure is harder, but I think I managed pretty well. Will need to spin another bobbin before I make a 2 ply.

Woooot! Spinningen ser fint ut! Velkommen tilbake til "mørke siden". ;-)
Så fint du spinner! Ser veldig fint ut det du strikker, og jeg gleder meg til å se hva det blir.
Nydelige farger og garn :o)
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