My shop is opened!

It has been a very long journey to put together my shop The whole thing started in the Fall 2005 and the Company was registered February 11 2006. But at this time my health got a lot worse and I had to put the whole project on hold, for a while. I have been a little back and forth on weather we should open it or not, but since we already had invested quite a lot of money in it we came to the conclusion that we would give it a try.
The reason I in the first place wanted to start Spinnulla, was that back in 2005 I could not find much information about spinning in Norway and there was no shops where I could buy equipment. Since then, things have happened. There is one other shop and even a Spinning Community. And I can see a growing interest for the art of spinning. Witch is good!
So this is why my knitting and blogging has been so far behind. I would not have dreamed of how much work it would be to start a shop and all the challenges that comes along. If I knew what I had gotten myself into....
Spinnulla is meant for Norwegian spinners so everything will be in Norwegian language. There is even a new blog there.
But now I will need to call the doctor, because the fever I have had for the last 6 days don´t seem to go away.
Gratulerer med spinnulla! Så spennende - jeg gleder meg til å følge med videre! og - ja - god bedring!
Gratulerer med butikken og god bedring. Håpar det går strålande! Ser ut som det er mange som spinner for tida iallefall.
Da har jeg vært innom nettbutikken din og tittet. Er nok endel fibre der som jeg må prøve når jeg får nyrokken i hus!
Gratulerer med butikken!
Ser spennende ut.
God bedring
Gratulerer med åpningen av butikken! Og så mye flott info og bilder du har lagt til - supert :)
Gratulerer med butikken. Spennende! Håper feberen har gitt seg nå. Til helga skal vi på katteutstilling, og så skal forhåpentligvis rabagastene så smått begynne å flytte på seg.
Gratulerer med butikken, jeg blir nok fast kunde sånn etterhvert. Du har kjempemasse flott.
Skal legge linken til butikken din i bloggen min.
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