Saturday, July 23, 2005

A finished jacket and a new secret project! I have not been blogging much lately. I am sorry, but it is summertime and I have had my hands full!
At least we have made some progress with the house. Now the second floor is finished and we are now sleeping very well in new very nice looking bedrooms :-)
I am happy - and now we have so much more space!

I have done a little bit of knitting now and then. Finaly the jacket is done!

It was a lot of work. And I don't think I wood do this pattern again. I have used the right yarn and had the right gauge, but the arm's are much too long! But other than that, it looks very nice!

And now I have started a new project. From the picture you can tell it is a sweater. But more than that I can't tell ;-)

Friday, July 08, 2005

A hat for the sunny days!

We have seen a lot of the sun lately, so I have been inspired to crochet a hat
I am not happy about the colors, but the hat is nice to wear!

The yarn is Schachenmayr Aurora.

I am also doing some progress on the Knitty-jacket. Having finished the back and left front - know working on the right front.

My " home - improving -project " is also doing some progress. Soon....very soon we can move in!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

I have been on Ebay!

So now I will have some more yarn to store.
It is baby alpaca yarn from Peru.

10 skeins of this blue-green color.

I don't know when it will be in my hands, but when it is I will definitely write about it!

Lately I have done some progress with my baby-jacket in All season cotton.

I have finished the back and are now working on the left front.
Now when I have memorized the pattern, I am moving along a lot faster....