Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Life must go on - a new cat, a new kitchen and snow!

I sometime feel like I have the most bad luck in the entire Universe. But then I hear about other people in a lot worse situations than me, and realize that my life is not so bad after all. Okay, so my health is rather crappy - but not life threatening. And I have lost my two dear cats in just 5 months, but at least I have a lot of nice memories to look back on. Life must go on, and I decided that the best thing was to bring a new cat to our home.

And here he is - (N) Sirena's Mustafa Kemal. He is a white Turkish Angora. He will move in with us on February 16, when he is 12 weeks old. We look forward to having him here.
Mustafa Kemal(right) together with his sister.
We also have our new kitchen up and running. Just a few details left. And then we will start with our living room.And outside we suddenly have a lot of snow....a lot in very little time... So we have a white cat, a white kitchen and white snow :-)

My knitting is very slow know. But I finished my socks a week ago. They have been on my feet a lot too.
And then I started on some new socks. But because my right hand is very painful I try not to knit (that's easy....) so that it can get better.

Friday, January 12, 2007

A sad day - Exxon died!

How long was Eve in paradise?
We did not have a happy ending on January 11. Our cat did not come home and after some seartching our neighbor found him. He was dead. It was a shock. He was okay in the morning. Today an autopsy showed that his heart had collapsed. He was probably born with a heart disease.

Only 5 months ago we lost Aphrodite. And now that I was settling with only havens Exxon, then he is gone too. So Christmas 2006 was the first year without Dite and the last one with Exxon.
He was born on September 3 2001. We will miss you!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

And then the new year begins!

This picture must be the best one from 2006. The ones I love the most in a precious moment.

The year of 2006 was not a very good year for me, so I am happy to have started a new and hopefully better year. At least it feels like it will be at better year. At the end of 2006 I have been feeling better and I have done a little knitting, too. Our home has been a mess, and I have not had access to our office because of the mess.

I have been knitting a hat and mittens for my girl that I will be felted once they are done. But I have sort of "forgotten" to finish this project...hum...

The Dale sweater was finished before Christmas. If I could only get my son to wear it!

And my princess has used her flower-scarf a lot.

At Christmas Eve the children enjoyed opening all the presents.

My son was happy with the new Firetruck.

And my daughter was happy with the Amazing Amanda doll. But Amanda is sort of driving us all crazy with her talking...

This sweater was my Christmas project and was finished in 2006. It is knitted in Rowan Big wool on 12 mm needles. A very fast knit!

I am almost finished with my Baudelaire socks too! It takes time....

A big happening for January 2007 - We have a ballerina in the house. Starting her first ballet lessons next week.And no....the Kitchen was of course not finished in 2006, but next week we will be very close to finished. The new kitchen cabinets are arriving on Monday!