Knittacias blog
What I do with yarn and needles.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
A scarf and a sock that don't fit!

A scarf in Rowan Soft tweed - a new yarn for fall 2005. It is a very fun and easy pattern from the Classic winter-book. The color is very special!

So I tried to find out what my gauge was....I should have done that BEFORE I started... So now I am really is no fun doing it all over again!

The secret project...not easy!

Okey, so I should have finished this project for a while ago, but I have had some difficulties. Knitting motifs is not something I do a lot, and I must admit - I am really bad at it! So I did finish the motif, but was not happy with the result because it was too loose. So I tried tighten it, and now it's too tight....oh well....I will have to do the motif all over again.
But it really is hard to get it right so I need to find out if there are some tricks out there on how to knit very nice motifs!

Or maybe...maybe I should settle with dear Google-man is supposed to wear it. So I think it should look nice! It was too bad I didn't finish it before he went off to Google-complex in Mountain View.
He will stay there for three weeks, so maybe it is finished when he comes home.