Knittacias blog
What I do with yarn and needles.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Regia bamboo for Jaywalker
I did some more online shopping , and this time it was 2 skeins Regia bamboo.

But I only have alumnium needles in size 2.5 mm, and my fingers are aching. So I have ordered some bamboo dpn.

It is now 53 cm in length, and that means I have 37 cm left before I can start on the edging.

Thursday, May 18, 2006
Finished Flowery Bag - at last...
We had a very nice weather yesterday when celebrating May 17. My daughter was very excited about the day, but it just did not live up to her expectations. After about 15 minutes watching the parade and with her brothers balloon disappearing up in the air, she was very sad and wanted to go home. She was much more happy staying at home eating chocolate cake and beading with some new beads I bought on May 16.

When the kids went to bed I returned to the Flowery bag. Now I had to get to the sewing. So I struggled and got the sewing-machine on the table and started sewing the lining section. The machine belongs to my mother-in-law, and is a n old Husquerna, but it is working just fine. But it is very heavy.

At noon today I finely finished it. I am very happy with it, but it was defiantly a lot more work then I thought it would be.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Outside of bag is finished!

I have blocked and done a whole lot of sewing. The flowers....puh....the 66 beads....and I did not think my beads was right so I went shopping for some larger and came home with the Same size, so beads will not be any larger!
No I need to do the inside of the bag - that really scares me, 'cause I have never done this part before. And I am doing a change in the pattern and are adding zippers instead of fasteners.
That will not be tomorrow! May 17 is the Norwegian National day - a day to celebrate.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Flowery bag, Bliss, Froth Scarf and ....

When I had finished the Flowery bag, I went back to the Bliss-pattern and finished the left front. But I am not very happy with it, 'cause I think I might have done something wrong. I will start on the right front, and then I probably will notice if the left does not match the right - at least that is what I am hoping for!

When finishing one project (even if it is not quite finished), I have a hard time not starting on a new one. So then I just started knitting the Froth Scarf - the free gift for my Rowan membership. It is a very easy pattern, and I think the scarf will look very nice - once finished - whenever that is...

When it comes to my Gluten-free living, I still am struggling. I have had some days with awful pain and I don't feel that I get enough to eat. Today I decided to make a very generous salad, hoping that I for once would not hunger for more food right away like I do with Gluten-Free bread. And as you can see - I made a lot, too much. From now on I will eat a lot more salad.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006
This is pure love!
Yes, I know that I have already posted today, but then this yarn was waiting for me in the mail-box and I just can't wait until tomorrow to show of this yarn. The last week has been rather unpleasant, but this yarn really made my day. I love green, but this green just takes me to a higher place!

This is pure love - I love this color, and just had to try it on!

I also had to use my skein winder, and as you can see, even my cat liked the yarn - Purrr!

Clover Wonder Knitter
A new gadget has arrived - the Clover wonder knitter!
Since I didn't have any tool for making i-cord, I decided to try this one.
I was also considering buying the Inox knitting mill, but ordered the Clover instead because it had both a 3-pin and a 6-pin disk. But I did not look very closely, cause I now realized that the Inox is a automatic machine! That would have been a lot faster I guess!

So having a new tool in my hands I just had to try it out. First I tested the 3-pin disk with some light weight cotton yarn. It works just fine, but I think the i-cord ends up being too loose knitted. I also tested with the 6-pin, and the result is the same. When I tried some DK weight wool yarn I think the i-cord looked a lot nicer. So I learned that this tool don't work well with light weight yarn.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Flowery bag!
Not feeling to good last night I was not able to update.
I started on the Flowery bag last week. The pattern is from Rowan Classic summer book eleven.
The yarn is Cashcotton DK and 4 ply. It is a lovely yarn to knit, and I look forward to knitting the 4ply lace sweater "Julia" from the same pattern-book.
I have now knitted the sides, handle and gusset, and now I am working on my first out of three flowers.

I have also bought some very nice fabric that I think was a perfect match for the yarn.

Monday, May 08, 2006
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
The summer tweed nightmare...and pink elephants
I don't know what to do with this summer tweed project. It is supposed to be a jacket, but it just don't think it will look nice on me. I sew side and shoulder seams on the back and left front and tried it on. The shape doesn't look to good. Maybe it will be better with all the pieces in place, but I don't know if I will go on with this project. It is also boring to knit and the yarn have an awful smell!

yesterday, me and my daughter went shopping for buttons. She saw these elephant-buttons, and then I just had to buy them. So now the very pink top have some very pink elephant-buttons.

Monday, May 01, 2006
I have two finished projects - not bad!
I had not finished my sons pullover before I went away, so that was the first thing I wanted to do when I got back. It was the very boring part with fastening loose ends and do the neck- and arm-edging. My daughter was really pushing me, 'cause I showed her the pink Colinette yarn and told her I would knit her a top with the yarn. She was constantly asking me when I would start knitting her top. So then I had to finish her brothers pullover. I think it looks nice, but I haven't tried it on him yet.

On size 8 mm needles and size 4 year it knits up pretty fast. And it also helps to knit in the round up to the arms. I finished the top with crocheting picot edging. On each shoulder I will need 3 buttons. When finished I had 6,4 meter yarn left.